The Rewarded Thief


One day a boy was walking down the streets with a bag on his shoulders, he walked into a grocery store and pretended to browse around. When he got to the backside he immediately grabbed as many edibles he could and stuffed them in his bag and walked out of the store.

One week later he came to the same store and repeated his actions again and once again did not get caught. He did this two more times but when he visited the store the fifth time with the same intentions something changed in his heart so instead of stuffing his bag and stealing, he went up to the cashier to confess. There was a change of heart in this boy, what made him to do? Maybe it was the guilt that was eating him up every time he performed this act. Maybe there was a voice chanting in his head, his conscious was calling to him repeating the words “thief” over and over. 

He went up to the cashier and told him that he had been stealing from his shop for the last couple of his week. He told him that his mother was sick and bed ridden so the little money he made, he spent half on his mothers’ medical bills and the other half on his sister for her schooling and in the end, he was almost left with nothing to buy some food for them. Hearing this revelation, the cashier told him that he was forgiven for his actions. He understood that desperate times may call for desperate measures. The cashier who also turned out to be the manager told the guy that he could come and pick out the basic necessities for him and his family every week as long as he promised to never try to steal anything again.

MoralNo matter what we should always be honest in every situation. Any gain made through dishonesty is very short-lived and will never keep you happy. Honesty is a virtue that is found in very few people, and one must nurture it. 

The original story: The Woodcutter and the Axe


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